02 March 2011

How to Auto Correct your stride…

I paid a visit to my LRS over the weekend. I had been unable to run recently because of an amazing amount of pain in my foot. Ever since my RnR Philly Race I have not been able to get much mileage in. This weekend I decided to start from scratch and get fitted for running shoes…
While I usually wear Stability Shoes, I decided to head in and see what the wonderful people at Pacers could do for me. Well, I hopped on the Dread Mill and ran at a 9:00 pace. Pacers uses a video camera to watch you run and then goes over the video with each person.  What we discovered was that I am actually a Neutral Runner with a very slight moderate pronation. He recommended the Nike LunarEclipse and when I put them on (I tried a pair of NB and Asics as well) it felt like I was cheating. These shoes are very comfortable and I am able to run pain-free for the first time since my return from Altitude Training.
Because of my recent break from running, I’ve decided to run no more than 5 miles this week.
As a recap, this is my upcoming Racing Schedule…
CHICAGO MARATHON, Chicago, Il, 09 Oct 2011